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Products* of “Kurzemes Gaļsaimnieks” have been awarded the Green Spoon quality mark.

Products* of “Kurzemes Gaļsaimnieks” have been awarded the Green Spoon quality mark.

The Green Spoon certificate is awarded by the Latvian Federation of Food Companies in cooperation with the Food and Veterinary Service (FVS). The national food quality scheme's Quality Product (Green Spoon) label is a trademark that certifies the product's origin and high quality. It is awarded to products that are produced in Latvia and 75% of the raw materials used in the production of the product are of local origin and meet the following high quality standards:

  • fresh, chilled meat of Latvian origin is used in the production of the product;
  • the product does not contain, consist of and is not produced from genetically modified organisms;
  • no food additives, mechanically separated meat, vegetable and hydrolysed animal proteins, fat, skin and tendon emulsion are used in the production of the product;
  • salt content less than 1.25 g per 100 g of the product.

*Products certified with the Green Spoon label:
- fresh chilled pork and beef carcases;
- fresh chilled pork and beef meat.

The fresh meat* of “Kurzemes Gaļsaimnieks” has been awarded the Organic Product Certificate.

The fresh meat* of “Kurzemes Gaļsaimnieks” has been awarded the Organic Product Certificate.

Organic Product Certificate No. LV-BIO-01.

The Organic Product Certificate certifies that the product has been produced in a natural and sustainable way, in accordance with the rules of organic farming and processing.

This means that the origin, traceability and separation have been verified. Products meet strict requirements for production, transport and storage.

*Organically certified products:
- freshly cutted beef, veal and calves meat in vacuum;
- cutted frozen beef, veal and calves meat;
- chilled, frozen beef, veal and calves offals;
- beef carcases.

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